Friday, July 10, 2020

Dr Luiz Fernando Bertolucci - Tensegrity Touch Workshop

Tensegrity Touch Workshop - Workshop de Toque de Tensegridade
com Dr Luiz Fernando Bertolucci

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Fáscia - mecanismo de ação da manipulação fascial - com Dr Luiz Fernando Bertolucci

"Fáscia - mecanismo de ação da manipulação fascial: da química molecular à comunicação celular e sistêmica" com professor Luiz Fernando Bertolucci (Médico Fisiatra e Rolfista)

Palestra realizada na Reunião Anual da ABR (Associação Brasileira de Rolfing)

New research project

We are happy to have engaged a team of high level researchers from the University of São Paulo (USP) and Federal University of ABC (UFABC) interested in better understanding the effects of Tensegrity Touch in the central nervous system. Preliminary results using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) have shown a decrease in the excitability of the motor cortex, what is in accordance with our initial hypothesis. Possibly this effect inhibits the inhibition of cortical structures over lower centres, especially the lymbic system, facilitating the expression of the auto-regulatory spontaneous motor activity it encodes. 

2019: Three classes certificated

Students of three Tensegrity Touch classes were certified, having completed the three modules of Introduction to TT: In June in Madrid, and in November in Curitiba and in São Paulo. The feedback we heard about the use of TT by those students were indeed encouraging! More and more we can enjoy witnessing the power of our auto-regulatory resources!