Thursday, October 29, 2020

Body In Parts Or Body As Whole?

We learn that the body is divided in parts. And, because of that, we believe it is the parts that move. However, the body moves as a whole. And the parts integrate themselves into the movement.

The Tensegrity Touch as a therapeutic approach stimulates, among other things, this integrative quality.

Involuntary Eye Movement During Tensegrity Touch

In this video, the involuntary eye movements are visible through the eyelids. The cornea moves from side to side. 

Involuntary movements are commonly seen during Tensegrity Touch sessions. 

At the time of recording, the video described it as "Nystagmus during myofascial maneuver  in occiput area". It may not be defined as nystagmus, because of its properties. Even so, they are involuntary movements commonly seen during sessions of Tensegrity Touch technique and deserve further studies.